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Early Career Professionals Series: Post-doctoral life (Session 1)

Time and date: January 26th 2022, 19:00 (CEST)

Place: Zoom link:

Topic description: We will be talking with post-docs at different stages of their lives, sharing their experiences, how they get funding, if they suggest it, and moving forward with their career

Dr. Ángeles Camacho – Ángeles started her PhD at 2 kids in, with her husband having pivoting and living in the UK. She arrived there with no grasp of the knowledge – What do you do? Well, you push forward. Ángeles was featured in the Forbes 100 Most Powerful Women in Mexico list in 2018, and is currently co-leading an educational initiative for optics education in Latin America.
Dr. Tatev Chalyan – Tatev is currently a leading researcher at VUB (in Brussels) working on all kinds of photonics-related projects. Tatev is currently an Optica ambassador and committee member for several SPIE committees, including the ECP and Student committee. She is also a leading chapter advisor for chapters in Armenia, Italy and Belgium.
Dr. Anirudh Pammi – Anirudh is a former KSOP-student via Europhotonics who started his research in the CNRS campus in Massy-Palaiseau and did his PhD in pillar-based micro lasers for photonic computing.

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