Time and date: Dinner on Saturday July 30th at 18:00 (CET). Brunch on Sunday July 31st, time: TBA Place: Dinner: Brauhaus Kühler Krug. Brunch: TBA…
The OSKar board is preparing an amazing event to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the “Optics Students of Karlsruhe” chapter! Stay tuned for more…
In collaboration with Nanoscribe GmbH, OSKar is happy to present our first industry of the year: 3D Printing at the Nanoscale! Join us for a…
From everyone in the OSKar team we wish you a day filled with light and knowledge! 💡
Time and date: May 15th 2022, 12:00 (CET) Place: Meeting in front of the Karlsruhe Palace: Schlossplatz 12, 76131 Karlsruhe Event description: Our usual Stammtisch,…
Time and date: May 13th 2022, 14:00 (CET) Place: Light Technology Institute (KIT Lichttechnisches Institut (LTI)) Event description: Let’s celebrate the International Day of Light…
Deadline for entry submission: May 12th, 12:00 (CET) Winners announcement: May 16th on Instagram @oskarlsruhe Description: In celebration of the International Day of Light 2022,…
Come hang out and enjoy a nice talk with fellow KSOP students and the newly arrived people from Europhotonics!
Time and date: March 17th, 14:00 (CET) Place: Physikhochhaus (Geb 30.23) 6/1, Wolfgang-Gaede-Straße, 76131 Karlsruhe Registration: https://www.eventbrite.es/e/publishing-101-a-hands-on-introduction-on-scientific-writing-and-editing-tickets-287849063297 Topic description: In this Workshop we will get…
Time and date: February 11th 2022, 18:30 (CEST) Place: Pizzeria Il Caminetto: Kronenstraße 5, 76133 Karlsruhe Event description: Our usual Stammtisch, join us for some…